fredag 22 augusti 2008


en av mina vänner tipsade mig om en hemsida som heter flylady. Där kan man få lära sig att organisera sitt liv. Så här skriver dom på hemsidan:
"I know that you have become overwhelmed by your home and the chaos that you have been living in. We are here to help you and it doesn’t cost you a dime. Keep in mind that your home did not get this way overnight and it is not going to get clean in a day. We are going to teach you how to take BabySteps and establish little routines for getting rid of your clutter and maintaining your home. This system will work for anyone; it doesn’t matter if you work outside of your home, stay home with children, retired or work at home. You can do this, you have just needed someone to pat you on the back and give you a great big hug to get you started. "

1 kommentar:

Anonym sa...

Det verkade ju bra! :-) Jag har iaf ägnat lördagen åt städning hemma och söndagen åt städning borta. :-S Nu ska jag nog uppsöka sängen. Trött!!! Vi hörs i veckan! Kraaaam!!!